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5 Signs of High-Functioning Depression


5 Signs of High-Functioning Depression

It's no secret that struggling with depression can be an incredibly tough experience that impacts every aspect of your life. But what about when you can still manage to get the basics done, despite feeling as though you're barely keeping your head above water?

This is one of the defining features of high-functioning depression, and it's more common than you think—so if any of these signs sound familiar to you, know that you're not alone in this battle against invisible suffering.

Join us as we explore five key indicators of high-functioning depression to learn how to recognize its presence within your life and start taking steps toward healing!

  1. You Can Accomplish Basic Tasks – But it's Not Easy Anymore.

While high-functioning depression is characterized by the ability to complete day-to-day tasks, finding the energy or motivation is a struggle. In other words, even if you're managing to get by while depressed, it doesn't mean everything's okay. You may feel you're going through the motions without truly engaging or experiencing joy in your activities. High-functioning depression can leave you feeling like you're not doing enough or simply lazy, further exacerbating your mood.

  1. Your Weight Fluctuates

You may find that you're eating more or less than usual or that your weight fluctuates without explanation. Because your mood can directly impact your appetite and eating habits, one of two things tends to happen with depression: turning to food for comfort or turning away from it.

  1. You're Fixating on the Negatives

For many people, emotions are transient – they come and go, and we can bounce back from the tough ones relatively quickly. But with high-functioning depression, it can be challenging to move past sadness or despair. You may find that you're stuck in a negative emotional state, unable to see the bright side of things or find joy in the world around you.

  1. Others Notice the Changes in You

It can be hard to recognize depression's effects on yourself, but your loved ones are often more aware. They may observe that you're quieter than usual or feeling down for an extended period. These observations of your mood, behavior, and patterns can be invaluable in helping you recognize and address your depression.

  1. You're Tempted to Use Substances to Feel Better

It's not uncommon for people with high-functioning depression to turn to substances like drugs or alcohol to cope with their symptoms. However, it's important to know that addiction can worsen your condition, making your depression even more challenging to manage. Taking control back into your own hands is key – if you're struggling with addiction, depression, or both, seeking professional help from a facility like 2nd Chance can be a crucial step in your recovery journey.

Mental Health Care in The Greater Phoenix Area

At 2nd Chance, we understand the complex and challenging nature of depression and addiction. From medication-assisted treatment to therapy and counseling, we provide individualized and comprehensive mental health care in the greater Phoenix area. If you're ready to take the first step towards healing and recovery, we're here to help.

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