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Adult ADHD: Common Symptoms

While childhood adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is often diagnosed soon after a child enters school, adult ADHD can go undiagnosed for years. Many people have adult ADHD and simply don’t know it, because the symptoms can be masked or attributed to other causes. It’s estimated that 10 million adults in the United States have ADHD, and that the majority of those cases are undiagnosed.

At 2nd Chance Treatment Center, with locations in Phoenix, Glendale, and Gilbert, Arizona, our team of trained professionals can help you recognize the symptoms of ADHD and learn how to manage them with specialized treatment designed for adults.

What is ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a mental health problem that can cause impulsive and hyperactive behaviours. People with the condition can have trouble focusing on tasks or paying attention to things. And some people who deal with the condition can struggle with feelings that they’re lazy, incompetent, or simply incapable of coping with everyday life. 

The symptoms of adult ADHD and childhood ADHD are the same at their core, but how they show up and and are coped with can be very different. Children are usually in controlled areas, such as classrooms, with constant observation from a teacher who can identify common symptoms. Adults, on the other hand, usually have a lifetime of trying to hide symptoms and deal with them on their own. 

Common symptoms of adult ADHD include: 

Internalized hyperactivity

Children with ADHD can usually be described as hyperactive just by observing them. They run around constantly, and physically express their inability to focus or concentrate. Adults have the same feelings, but internalize their reactions. You may notice that you tend to stay up late, jump from thing to thing trying to stay busy, and feel bored a lot of the time, even when you’re doing something you typically enjoy.

Concentration problems

The same as children, adults with ADHD also have trouble concentrating. This can show in one of two ways: either by not being able to focus on anything or by focusing only on one thing. This lack of focus or tendency to hyperfocus are two primary symptoms of ADHD. You may either find it difficult to see any single task through to the end, or else you could become completely caught up in a single thing and avoid doing anything else.

Out-of-control fantasy life

Do you zone out a lot or find yourself daydreaming when you should be doing something else? That’s normal. What isn’t normal is when your fantasy life becomes more real to you than actual events, and you can’t seem to break away from your daydreams long enough to accomplish things in the real world. You might even find yourself coming out of a daze, realizing that hours have passed.

Massive disorganization 

Do people describe you as messy? Do you lose things constantly, feel like you can never get your living space completely clean, or let laundry and dishes pile up because you can’t stay on task? Being disorganized is common for people with ADHD.

If any of these symptoms sound like things you deal with on a daily basis, you could have adult ADHD. To learn more, book an appointment online or over the phone with 2nd Chance Treatment Center today.

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