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Alcohol Withdrawal: Symptoms and How to Cope

If you drink regularly enough that your habit falls into the category of alcohol abuse, and you decide to stop suddenly, you could experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Quitting is an important and beneficial thing to do, but you might need some help.

An estimated 15 million people live with an alcohol abuse disorder. This is nothing to take lightly, either: alcohol is the third highest cause of lifestyle-related deaths. The providers at 2nd Chance Treatment Center offer this guide about alcohol abuse and the signs of withdrawal you may experience if you quit drinking so you can get through the experience more easily and comfortably.

The signs of alcohol abuse

There’s a difference between having an occasional glass of wine and alcohol abuse. People who have an alcohol use disorder may exhibit the following behaviors:

If you have problems with alcohol abuse (including a family history of alcohol abuse), there may not be a possible way to drink any amount of alcohol without it becoming problematic.

Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal

If you’re physically dependent on alcohol, you’ll most likely experience withdrawal symptoms when you try to quit drinking. Please note that quitting drinking, especially if you’re severely dependent on alcohol, can be dangerous. Call 2nd Chance Treatment Center so we can help you do it safely.

The signs of alcohol withdrawal include:

In particularly severe cases of alcohol addiction, quitting drinking might even cause a condition called delirium tremens. This condition usually occurs about three days after you stop and can be very dangerous. Symptoms of delirium tremens (also called the DTs) include a high body temperature, seizures, and hallucinations. This condition can be fatal if your body temperature gets too high, which is why it’s important to have supervised medical care.

Why you should seek help for alcohol abuse

Many people have difficulty admitting they have a problem with alcohol use, even if the signs they have a problem are obvious. It’s normal and common for people to feel afraid of seeking help.

When a person who abuses alcohol is ready to admit they need help, getting professional assistance is essential. It’s not something you can try to get through with willpower alone, and medical supervision is both necessary and helpful as you break your physical dependence on the drug.

If you or someone you love is ready to seek help with quitting drinking, 2nd Chance Treatment Center can help. Contact the providers at 2nd Chance Treatment Center for more information today.

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