The Not-So-Hidden Dangers of Prescription Medications

A staggering 22.7 million Americans have an addiction problem. For many, it’s not even their fault. Today’s disjointed medical system can mean you have multiple doctors who don’t communicate easily with one another.
You might end up being prescribed one medication by your general practitioner or family doctor, and a similar one by your internal specialist or psychiatric provider. If your meds don’t mesh properly, you’ll have a higher risk of ending up with side effects or dependence issues. You may even experience additional health problems due to interactions between your medications and any lifestyle habits, like heavy alcohol use.
At 2nd Chance Treatment Center, residents in Phoenix, Glendale, and Gilbert, Arizona can get help with their prescription medication issues. We can help you discover which medications are helping you, and which could be hurting you. Then we can put you on the path to recovery with a medication maintenance schedule tailored to your unique needs.
Commonly overprescribed medications
An incredible number of medications are now considered to be overprescribed in the United States. Almost every single prescription medication has some type of side effect. When you’re taking many different meds a day, those side effects can add up and complicate each other.
The CDC says that approximately 30% of antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary. Constant antibiotic use can decrease their efficiency and has led to the rise of “superbugs,” resistant strains that pose a public health hazard.
You should be concerned if benzodiazepine use shifts from “rescue anxiety treatment” to long-term daily use. This medication can limit your cognitive function, and has been linked with increased risk of motor vehicle collisions as well as falls and fractured bones, especially for older people.
Opioids can become habit-forming when used over long periods of time. You can also build up a tolerance and need more and more of the medication to get the same amount of relief. Opioid dependence will often lead to an outright opioid use disorder that can destroy your work, relationships, and your life.
Reducing your number and dosages of prescription medications isn't designed to take away important pain relief or medically indicated help. We merely analyze whether you are benefiting from each medication you’re on, and determine if any of your medications might be causing you to suffer needless side effects.
We combine deprescribing with behavioral therapy that can help you learn to manage your health without certain prescription drugs. We can also adjust your prescriptions to shift you onto a maintenance medication regimen to help you during your adjustment period and with any potential withdrawal symptoms.
Are you ready to overhaul your prescription medication schedule? Simply call 2nd Chance Treatment Center at any of our locations, or book an appointment online today.
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