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When It's Time to Seek Help for Your Mental Health

It may not be easy to assess your own mental health, but since conditions such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia don’t usually develop suddenly, you may already be aware of some of your vulnerabilities. Often, you’ll sense that something is different or “off.” If you already know how certain behaviors can act as warnings, it may help you seek care before your condition gets worse. Not everybody, though, knows what to look for. While many symptoms of mental illness are highly individual, there are some good general warning signs you should know. Here at 2nd Chance Treatment Center, we understand that the more informed you are, the more likely you are to get the help you need.

Appetite changes

If you’re suddenly not eating or, conversely, you’re eating everything in sight, it may be a sign that you’re having an emotional upheaval. Turning away from healthy habits, such as adding back junk food, alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs, or dumping your exercise routine, is another major “warning sign.”

Sleep disruptions

Insomnia is a common symptom of mental distress, as is sleeping too much. And if you’re clocking plenty of sleep yet you still struggle to concentrate through the day, or if you regularly feel fatigued, it may be that changes in your mental health are interrupting healthy sleep cycles.

Those around you

Hearing from friends and family that something is “different” about you can sometimes come as a surprise, particularly when you haven’t sensed anything amiss. However, you should consider the source of these comments. If it’s from one person who doesn’t know you well, dismiss it; however, if the people closest to you all make similar comments, it could well be an action point. Reach out for help.

Physical aches

Your body provides clues when your mental health is off. You may have aches and pains, stomach issues, or other physical symptoms that don’t seem to have reasons. Everyone has minor aches from time to time, but when they persist, it might be a symptom of disrupted mental health.

Little satisfaction

If you’re not getting the same pleasure out of the little things in life, it may be a sign of a depressed mental cycle. A hobby may not provide the same enjoyment, or you might not feel compelled to pick up that book you were enthused about last week. It could even be something as simple as not feeling the beauty of a sunset or the flavor of a favorite food. A day or two of this is nothing to be concerned about, but if these feelings persist, seek out help.

Lost productivity

When work piles up, you could be going through a rush period, but if it’s an amount you’ve handled easily in the past, it might be a sign you have other things on your mind. If you’re also feeling overwhelmed by jobs that you normally handle in stride, then it may be time to check on the state of your mental health.

Social withdrawal

Begging off on Friday night group outings isn’t necessarily a warning sign, unless it’s every Friday or for events where you’re normally at the front of the line. When you do go out, self-conscious feelings, irritability, or looking for ways to leave early could suggest depression or some other mental distress.

Experiencing any single sign listed here may mean nothing on its own, but when symptoms combine and you have a persistent feeling that something is not quite right, then it might be time to contact 2nd Chance Treatment Center for a mental health checkup before your feelings start to overwhelm you. You can call the most convenient office directly or request a consultation online. Make your appointment today.


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