ADHD Treatment
2nd Chance Treatment Center
Addiction Medicine & Addiction Psychiatrists located in Litchfield Park, AZ & Phoenix, AZ
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a brain disorder that causes periods of inattention and/or hyperactivity and interferes with function or development. Inattention happens when a person is wandering from tasks and has difficulty focusing. Hyperactivity includes moving constantly, even when it is not appropriate. Many times people with ADHD act impulsively and sporadically. These actions may have a potential for harm as well.
What ADHD Feels Like
People who are diagnosed with ADHD describe their experiences differently, but there are similarities in their life. An example of what ADHD is like for some people is driving a car without power steering. Moving from one task to another has a moment of struggle and difficulty.
Another analogy can be a computer with too many tabs open. This describes how moving through mental processes can be slow or even difficult, and how the condition affects thinking.
How to Manage ADHD Symptoms
With ADHD many things can be overwhelming, but there are some things to help control symptoms. While there are types of medication to help manage ADHD symptoms, there are also other ways to help a person cope with them.
Healthy Diet And Sleep Schedule
Sleep deprivation can increase symptoms of ADHD. It will also reduce your ability to cope with stress every day, and make it tough to maintain focus. Poor diet can also exacerbate symptoms. Simple changes in what you eat, including getting healthy protein at each meal and having fiber-rich whole grains, can help with symptoms.
Exercising Regularly
Regular exercise can help reduce symptoms and improve concentration. With physical activity, the brain gets a boost of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, which naturally helps improve attention. These are the same chemicals that are usually triggered in ADHD medicines..
Lifestyle Organization
One of the biggest hurdles those suffering from ADHD face is getting organized due to symptoms. It’s possible to break down tasks and follow a measured approach in order to help with organization and prevent feeling overwhelmed. Creating a space for specific things can start the organization process. Using lists to keep tabs on regularly scheduled tasks will help stay on track.
Those who suffer have different perceptions of time, so it’s possible to lose track of time and it’s easy to miss deadlines. Use timers to set up an allotted amount of time for each task. Give yourself more time than you think you need to finish a task.
How Treating ADHD Works
Medication is often the first course of treatment for treating ADHD. ADHD can be treated with two types of medicines: stimulant and non-stimulant. A stimulant will increase dopamine and norepinephrine, which help with thinking and attention. A non-stimulant is used when there is a side effect of stimulants, or in combination to help increase effectiveness.
Behavior therapy can help change negative behaviors. This includes help with organizing tasks or helping to work through difficult events. With behavioral therapy, individuals can learn to monitor their own behavior and receive rewards for acting in the right way. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a talking type of therapy that can get individuals to think about thoughts and behavior. Those with ADHD can also suffer from anxiety and depression, and cognitive behavior therapy can help treat both without having to rely on medication.
Finding ADHD Treatment at 2nd Chance
Medication is more effective when combined with other treatments, so finding treatment options is necessary. Treatment can include different therapies, as well as tips on how to get in enough exercise, sleep, and the right diet. In addition to therapy, there may be other relaxation techniques that can help, including meditation and yoga.
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