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Bipolar Disorder

2nd Chance Treatment Center

Addiction Medicine & Psychiatrists located throughout the greater Phoenix, AZ area

Bipolar disorder affects an estimated 4.4% of American adults at some point in their lives. For those living throughout the greater Phoenix, Arizona area, 2nd Chance serves as a valuable diagnostic and treatment resource for bipolar disorder. To learn more about screening and treatment options, schedule a visit using the simple online tool or over the phone.

Bipolar Disorder Q & A

What is bipolar disorder?

Once called manic-depressive illness, bipolar disorder is a brain disorder characterized by sudden and unprovoked changes in mood and behavior. It causes you to transition between periods of feeling elated and incredibly energetic to feeling depressed and lethargic.

Bipolar disorder can make it very difficult to maintain healthy relationships, employment, or other aspects of a “normal” life. Seeking treatment is essential to achieving a measure of stability.

There are several different types of bipolar disorder, although all are marked by easily identifiable shifts in mood and activity levels.

Bipolar 1 disorder

This condition includes manic episodes that go on for a week or more, or are so pronounced that hospitalization is required. Depressive episodes tend to last two weeks or longer, and a mix of manic and depressive symptoms are possible at the same time.

Bipolar 2 disorder

This condition involves alternating depressive periods with less severe manic episodes.

Cyclothymic disorder

This condition includes periods of manic and depressive symptoms, but the degree of severity is far less pronounced than in the other bipolar disorder types. Symptoms are usually present for at least two years.

Some men and women suffer a mix of depressive and manic episodes that are not severe enough to meet the diagnostic criteria of any of these three types. Symptoms still create challenges, however.

What are the risk factors for bipolar disorder?

Researchers still work to understand the exact causes of bipolar disorder, but a number of clear risk factors are identified. If you have a family history of bipolar disorder, you have an elevated risk of developing the condition.

There is also evidence to suggest that men and women with bipolar disorder have a slightly different brain structure than those without the condition. Ongoing research seeks to achieve a better understanding of the relationship between brain function and bipolar disorder.

What are some treatments for bipolar disorder?

It’s critical to seek treatment for bipolar disorder because the condition can worsen over time if left untreated. Your treatment plan is created based on your unique experience of bipolar disorder.

Addiction is common among men and women with bipolar disorder. Pursuing recovery while working with a specialist to manage bipolar symptoms is a wise approach.

Medications can help manage symptoms. Options include antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and atypical antipsychotics. It may take time to find the right medications to improve your symptoms, but you’ll be supported by your psychiatrist throughout the process.

Therapy also helps manage bipolar disorder symptoms. Not only is therapy incredibly beneficial to the patient, but it is also helpful for loved ones who want to help support you during treatment and beyond.

If you’d like to learn more about diagnostic and treatment options for bipolar disorder, book a visit today online or over the phone.