2nd Chance Treatment Center
Addiction Medicine & Psychiatrists located throughout the greater Phoenix, AZ area
Depression is a very common mental health issue, but is also one that can be effectively treated. The psychiatrists at 2nd Chance create customized treatment plans for depression, and have helped hundreds of men and women throughout the greater Phoenix, Arizona area, find relief from depression. To learn more about the tools and techniques available to you, schedule an appointment today. Online scheduling makes it easy to find a time that fits your life, or you can call to check availability.
Depression Q & A
What is depression?
Depression is a term that is often misused in American culture, which can make it challenging to know when the line between sadness and depression is crossed. Occasional bouts of sadness are normal, and virtually everyone experiences blue spells periodically.
One simplified way of understanding the difference between sadness and depression is by evaluating how your emotional state affects your daily life. Depression is a mood disorder that impacts multiple aspects of your daily life for a period of at least two weeks.
What are the symptoms of depression?
Depression is not a one-size-fits-all experience, and your symptoms may differ from those of others. Some things to look for include:
- Persistent sadness or anxiety
- Feelings of guilt or worthlessness
- Changes in appetite or weight
- Thoughts of suicide
- Unexplained aches, pains, digestive issues, or headaches
- Difficulty concentrating
- Sleep disruptions
- Lack of energy
- Loss of interest in things that once brought happiness or joy
When these issues alter the course of your days and nights for two weeks or more, it’s time to seek professional evaluation or treatment.
What causes depression?
Researchers believe a combination of factors contribute to depression. While it may not always be possible to draw a clear cause and effect connection, it’s generally understood that there are biological, genetic, psychological, and environmental elements at play in the development of depression.
Many men and women who struggle with addiction also suffer from depression. In some cases, depression is brought on by the impact that addiction has on your life. There is evidence to suggest that people sometimes turn to drugs and alcohol in an effort to find relief from depression.
How is depression treated?
Treating depression begins with a thorough diagnostic evaluation with a trained mental health specialist. At 2nd Chance, you have access to some of the area’s best psychiatrists, who evaluate your symptoms and determine the best treatment path.
Your treatment plan may include medication to help manage depression, but drug therapy is never the sole treatment approach. Your team works with you to develop and strengthen your skills, giving you the tools you need to improve your depression.
That process is unique to each individual, and is customized to meet your current set of needs and goals. As you learn methods of addressing depression, your therapy changes to build upon those successes.
Depression doesn’t have to overshadow your life, and the team at 2nd Chance offers effective plans for managing depression and other mood disorders. To learn more, book an appointment today, online or over the phone.
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