Opioid Addiction Treatment
2nd Chance Treatment Center
Addiction Medicine & Addiction Psychiatrists located in Litchfield Park, AZ & Phoenix, AZ
Opioids are a family of drugs that include both prescription and illegal drugs that are opioid-based and highly addictive. Examples of opioids include oxycontin, Vicodin, heroin, codeine, and hydrocodone, to name a few.
If you or a family member or loved one need opioid addiction treatment, do not hesitate to call us. We have been helping patients in the Phoenix area overcome their opioid addiction with various treatment options that are tailored to each individual person.
Opioid Addiction Treatment Q & A
What is an Opioid Addiction?
Opioid addiction is characterized by an individual’s compulsive use of opioid-based drugs like Heroin, Oxycodone, or Cocaine. It is defined as a preoccupation with the obtainment of opioids and possessing persistent drug-seeking behavior. Additionally, opioid addiction has not only a psychological toll but also a physical one. The physical dependency on opioids is what yields physical withdrawal symptoms when an individual seeks to try to stop opiate use. This is why it is important for patients to fully understand their addiction.
Signs of Opiate Addiction
The signs of addiction may vary from patient to patient and may be easier to spot in those using illegal drugs than those addicted to prescription opioids. However, the warning signs are similar. Anyone using more of a drug than the prescribed dose, crushing pills to snort, swallow, or inject, or having marks on the arms, feet or neck from injection of opioids are probably battling with an addiction. With opiates, a user will likely up the dosage over time as receptors become resistant to the substance.
If you see signs of an Opioid Addiction in a friend or loved one, please do not hesitate to call 2nd Chance Treatment Center today. With your support, anything is possible.
Opioid addiction often bleeds into not just physical and emotional harm, but also changes in social behavior. People with an opioid addiction may struggle to hold down jobs or resort to crime or other measures to pay for their opioids. Some people are able to maintain seemingly high functionality while suffering from addiction, but suffer in their personal relationships as the dependency on opioids supersedes other needs, wants and cares.
The Opioid Addiction Treatment Process
There are numerous treatment options when it comes to opioid use. Whether a patient selects a residential opioid treatment facility, or to undergo outpatient treatment at home, the treatment typically begins with addressing of withdrawal symptoms and can take time. The treatment for Oxycodone addiction, for example, is typically a long process that is designed help the patient reduce and eventually remove all dependency on opiates. Once the person has the opiates completely out of his or her system, there are also many aftercare programs to help maintain sobriety.
Detoxing is the first step of treatment, and many options utilize medications such as suboxone or methadone, which act as an opiate substitute, to provide a similar euphoric feeling as patients are gradually weaned off of their dependency. These maintenance medications can help reduce the pain and discomfort that otherwise comes from withdrawal.
Once dependency is reduced, treatment programs will begin to help the patient deal with the psychological repercussions and challenges of overcoming addiction. With inpatient rehab, the treatment focuses on helping the patient get to the root cause of their addiction, create coping mechanisms, and gain tools to help combat relapse in the future. Group, individual, and family counseling sessions in Phoenix or surrounding areas can help the patient assess and recover from the trauma of addiction. The length of stay for inpatient rehab can vary from 1 month to up to 12 months, depending on the needs of the patient.
Outpatient Rehab
An intensive outpatient rehab is an alternative option where the patient receives the medications to help with the physical repercussions of withdrawal. Instead of staying at the rehab center, outpatient rehab has patients staying at home and going to work, but with supplemental clinic visits. These visits can range from daily to every three days, and facilitate additional treatment. These patients generally go to the rehab clinic 2-7 times per week for spans of a few months to a year.
Finding Opioid Treatment at 2nd Chance Treatment Center
If you or a loved one is struggling with opioid addiction, treatment and help is available here in Arizona. We have provided help, care, and rehab options to innumerable patients, and are here to help you and your family heal. Starting on the road to quitting opioids isn’t easy, but we’re here to lend you a hand.
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