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Oxycodone Addiction

2nd Chance Treatment Center

Addiction Medicine & Addiction Psychiatrists located in Litchfield Park, AZ & Phoenix, AZ

Oxycodone is an Opioid medication for pain that can be administered in its pure form or mixed with other pain medications. It is used to treat average to intense pain. Oxycodone addiction treatment is available in Phoenix and is necessary when the body can no longer function normally without a dosage of the drug. This also leads to cravings for the euphoric and mind-numbing effects that are associated with taking Oxycodone and other Opioids.

Oxycodone Addiction Q & A

Signs of Oxycodone Addiction

Taking more medication than the prescribed dosage to receive the desired effect is a sign of tolerance, which will lead to Oxycodone addiction and dependence on the drug. As the user develops more and more with the drug it can lead to feelings of only looking forward to the next dose, doing extreme things for the next dose, and forming bad habits with the tendency of consummation.

A person who is addicted to Oxycodone may start neglecting their responsibilities and become careless. They may lack interest in work and the family. Their lives may revolve around activities that help them get more of the drug. They may steal, lie and manipulate people to get the drug. Their character and lifestyle may also change whereby they may not even care about themselves even when confronted by realities of life that are as a result of the drug use. These may include debts, legal actions, medical personnel’s interventions, warnings and strained relationships.

Oxycodone Withdrawal Symptoms

When one realizes that they are addicted to the drug, some may try to stop its use which may lead to undesirable withdrawal symptoms. Contacting a professional that is experienced with Opioid addiction treatment will be the best way to fight an addiction.

These may include increased:

  • Body Pain
  • Depression
  • Sleeplessness
  • Restlessness
  • Lack of Appetite
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Severe Colds
  • Sweating
  • Full Body Shivers

The withdrawal symptoms take place because the body, specifically the brain has adapted to the drug and its effects. Lack of the drug inhibits its functions and creates a need for the stimulation and experience. Often times these symptoms may be similar or identical to those found in treatments for Heroin addiction or other opioids.

If you believe a loved one could be facing an Oxycodone Addiction or Withdrawal, please visit our drug rehab center in Phoenix, to receive help on your path to recovery.

At this time, the body is feeling incapable of needing anything but the drug and that is where help is necessary.

The Oxycodone Addiction Treatment Process

Once you check in to 2nd Chance Treatment Center in Phoenix, our trusting and caring professionals will ask questions, try to get your medical history and also carry out tests to help them understand how far you are into the addiction and if there are other drugs you may also be abusing. After a careful analysis of your case, they will work with you and your family to construct a treatment plan that will bring you to a new life.

2nd Chance Treatment procedures will involve:

Medication Treatment

Because of rebound pain or the initial pain getting worse because of withdrawing the use of Oxycodone or lowering the dosage, there may be a need for medication that will not only deal with the pain but will also curb other withdrawal symptoms. The professionals at our facility in Phoenix will prescribe a medication plan using the most modern Suboxone treatment methods.

Behavioral Therapy

This includes counseling, motivational and supportive therapy geared at helping the patient realize the extent of damage the drug has on his life and gaining courage and strength to live a positive life. Behavioral therapy treatments aim at changing the patient’s behaviors, attitude and lifestyle by being able to detect the triggers and draw positive energy to avoid drug use.

Patient Education

It is only when patients are aware of the drug, its effects and the treatment options available that they may come to terms with their current state. Also, patient education raises the awareness levels of the drug problems in the world. Informed patients will make better judgments in the future.

Get Help Treating an Oxycodone Addiction at 2nd Chance Treatment Center

At our facility in Arizona, we give you the help you need to fight your addiction to Oxycodone addiction treatment plan and resume a healthy life. Our primary goal is to help you recover and minimize chances of getting addicted again. This we do in a discreet, peaceful and friendly environment with caring and experienced professionals who will hold your hand throughout the journey.