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PTSD Treatment

2nd Chance Treatment Center

Addiction Medicine & Addiction Psychiatrists located in Litchfield Park, AZ & Phoenix, AZ

About 7 out of every 10 Americans experience a traumatic event at least once, and about 1 out of 5 of those go on to experience PTSD. Women are more likely to experience PTSD than mean, about 1 out of 9. Unfortunately, PTSD is often misdiagnosed or under treated, but it is a serious and real disorder that can be alleviated with treatment.

PTSD Treatment Q.& A

What is PTSD?

PTSD is a psychiatric disorder which can affect anyone who has witnessed or gone through a traumatic event. Many people associate PTSD with war or even natural disasters, but it can affect people who have been in an accident or suffered personal assault, like battery or rape. Some people with PTSD have loved ones who actually went through the traumatic event, while others, such as first responders, come upon the scene soon after, so their exposure is indirect.

What are the Symptoms of PTSD?

The first part of diagnosis is identifying the traumatic event which started the issues. Many symptoms of PTSD might be diagnosed as something else without knowing that there was a place where it started. Here are the symptoms:

  1. Intrusive Thoughts — People experiencing PTSD have what could be described as obsessive thoughts which they can’t control. Many of them feel like they are remembering the traumatic events over and over again, and they might feel like they are having flashbacks. They might also have nightmares centered around the event.
  2. Avoidance — Many people find that they have a hard time being around the same people or in the same place where the traumatic event occurred. They try not to talk about it or remember it, and they may avoid activities that even remind them of the initial incident.
  3. Negative thoughts and feelings — These may be very general and not related to anything specific. Someone experiencing PTSD may feel like nothing is good, and nothing and no one can be trusted. The negative feelings may include fear, horror, anger and guilt, even in areas where it is seemingly irrational to have those feelings.
  4. Over arousal and/or irritation — Many people with PTSD will be irritable, and lash out at anyone and everyone without meaning to. They might have outbursts, even when they used to be even tempered individuals. They may feel jumpy, as though something frightening or traumatic is about to happen.

Why can PTSD Be So Disruptive?

When people experience constantly negative feelings, they withdraw from the people they are close to who would be able to support them in their time of trouble. They often feel a disconnect, and an inability to relate to others. Their constant negative feelings cause them to lose the ability to experience the positive aspects of life.

The inability to concentrate can make work or school difficult. Eventually, individuals suffering from PTSD will suffer negative impacts in all areas of their lives, including their social and family lives. They may turn to drugs or alcohol to find relief, which only masks the real problem and leads to no relief. Some people with PTSD eventually commit suicide.

About our PTSD Treatment Center at 2nd Chance Treatment Center

You probably can’t accurately diagnose yourself if you have PTSD. If you are experiencing the signs and symptoms, you do probably realize that you are not feeling as well as you could. You may not realize that you need and deserve help so that you can once again experience life with the joy from before.

At 2nd Chance Treatment Center, we offer a range of treatment services for our clients in Arizona that will help them to manage their PTSD. Our doctors can help prescribe medication if needed, and we will help you develop a personalized treatment plan that works best for your situation. If you or a loved one may be suffering from PTSD, call today to see how we can help.