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QB Testing Specialist

2nd Chance Treatment Center

Addiction Medicine & Addiction Psychiatrists located in Litchfield Park, AZ & Phoenix, AZ

QB testing is essential for an accurate diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adults. The experienced team at 2nd Chance performs comprehensive ADHD testing that includes a QB screening. Implementing a QB test into your diagnostic plan ensures you or your child receives individualized treatment. To learn more about QB testing, call 2nd Chance or schedule an appointment online today.

QB Testing Q & A

What is QB testing?

A QB test is an FDA-cleared tool to diagnose attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This computer program combines concentration assessments with movement analysis to gauge your attention control and impulsivity tendencies.

The program compares the data from your individualized report with groups of your same gender and age to help determine whether you have ADHD. The goal is to evaluate how well you concentrate and perform certain tasks compared to individuals who don’t have ADHD.

How does QB testing work?

During the test, you sit in front of a computer and wear a soft headband. The headband includes a ball that acts as a reflective marker for the tracking camera in front of you. In your hand is a responder device that you click when you see shapes on the screen. While the computer records your responses, the camera tracks your movements.

The entire test takes about 15-20 minutes. Unlike other types of cognitive testing, a QB test does not evaluate your reading, math, or language skills.

Why would I need a QB test?

QB testing is one piece of comprehensive ADHD testing. The 2nd Chance team may recommend a QB test if you:

  • Struggle to concentrate on tasks
  • Daydream frequently
  • Have trouble sitting still
  • Feel fidgety
  • Talk excessively in inappropriate situations

If you’ve already undergone ADHD testing, a QB test can help the team create a more accurate treatment plan that meets your unique needs.

What happens after QB testing?

QB testing usually accompanies other forms of ADHD testing. The team uses the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) as a guide to help diagnose your condition. They also perform other screenings and work with your primary care provider to rule out other physical and mental health disorders.

If you receive an ADHD diagnosis, the team creates a comprehensive treatment plan that typically includes a combination of therapy and medication. 

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which strives to change unhelpful thoughts and behavioral patterns is the most common type of therapy for ADHD. The team may also prescribe stimulant medications to enhance your ability to focus.

Call 2nd Chance today or schedule an appointment online to learn more about QB testing.