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Healing from Opioid Addiction: Reasons to Hope

If you’re one of the more than 2 million people in America struggling with opioid addiction, you know the toll it can take on your life.

Whether you’re addicted to prescription opioids like codeine, or illicit drugs like heroin or fentanyl, opioids can put you at increased risk of serious health consequences, including overdose.

While you can feel helpless struggling with an addiction to opioids, there are reasons to hope. With the right treatment and support, you can recover from your addiction and go on to live the life you envisioned for yourself. 

At 2nd Chance Treatment Center in Phoenix, Glendale, and Gilbert, Arizona, we see the positive effects that treatment has on people with an opioid addiction. Our comprehensive outpatient treatment programs for opioid and alcohol addictions are based on the most up-to-date medical and psychiatric research to help people heal.

Recovery is possible 

We believe that everyone deserves a second chance, and know that recovery from an opioid addiction is possible with our unique treatment model. We use medication maintenance, behavioral therapy, and patient and family education to increase your chance of long-term recovery.

Combined, these treatments decrease your risk of overdose and increase your chance of sobriety. 

Recovery doesn’t happen immediately. It requires patience, hard work, and often small achievements along the way. But the more you commit to ending your addiction, and the more open you are to receiving support, the more successful you’ll be.

There are treatments that can help

You don’t have to recover from an opioid addiction on your own. Through outpatient treatment, we can provide the structure and tools you need to detox from opioids and get started on the path to healing.

Our experienced team puts together an individualized treatment plan that includes medications to help control cravings and decrease withdrawal symptoms. We use medication like Suboxone® and Vivitrol® to stabilize the abnormal brain chemistry created by opioid addiction so you can focus on healing through therapy. 

With individual and group therapy, you can learn to understand your addiction to opioids, what your triggers are, and how to end your unhealthy behaviors so you can move past your addiction. 

Our nurturing treatment team uses therapeutic modalities like motivational interviewing and supportive therapy to help you address the issues that led to your addiction and learn skills that will prevent a relapse. 

You can get your life back on track

Opioid addiction can derail your life and interfere with work and relationships. But with the right treatment, you can get your life back on track. 

We know that ending an addiction to opioids is challenging, especially if you’re managing chronic pain. We want to give you hope that you can end your addiction and get a second chance at living the life you’ve always wanted.

To get the opioid addiction treatment you need to heal, call us at any of our locations, or book an appointment online today. 

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