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How Do I Know if I Have Depression?

It’s normal to feel sad from time to time. But when your feelings of sadness seem to have taken over your life, and you just can’t seem to function, there’s a good chance you have depression

Depression isn’t always obvious at first, especially if it’s triggered by an upsetting event like a loss or accident. You may just assume you’re dealing with the feelings surrounding such an event.

But without getting needed treatment, depression can leave you feeling unmotivated, detached from your everyday life, and unable to engage with work and family. 

At 2nd Chance Treatment Center, in Phoenix, Glendale, and Gilbert, Arizona, our mental health specialists are here to help you work through your depression and get you feeling like yourself again.

What’s the difference between being sad and being depressed?  

Sadness is a natural reaction to something negative that happens in your life. You may be sad because you ended a relationship, got passed over for a job, or lost a family pet. 

Sadness usually ends after a certain period of time, once you’ve grieved your loss; then, your regular mood returns.

With depression, that isn’t always the case. Depression is a mental illness that causes pervasive feelings of sadness you can’t easily overcome. 

Depression can be triggered by a loss, but it can also be caused by genetic factors or seemingly come out of nowhere. About 10% of people experience a bout of major depression in their lives.

Symptoms of depression 

While depression symptoms can be mild, for some people, symptoms are so severe they can’t get out of bed. People who have depression often struggle with one or more of the following symptoms:

To be diagnosed with depression, these symptoms must last for two or more weeks.

Getting a depression diagnosis

Depression isn’t always the reason for a severe change in your mood. Mood changes can also be caused by hormonal deficiencies, thyroid disorders, or certain medications. 

Because there may be various reasons for your depression symptoms, it’s always important to get screened by a professional. A trained professional can assess your symptoms and lifestyle, and take a blood test to see if a medical condition is causing your mood changes.

Once you have a diagnosis, you can begin a treatment program that’s right for you. 

Treating your depression

When you’re in the throes of depression, it can feel like nothing will ever help. But the good news is that depression is very treatable, and with the right type of treatment, you can improve your mood and address the issues that led you to become depressed. 

Treatment for depression typically involves medications, like antidepressants, and talk therapy. Medication can help regulate your mood, while therapy helps you address your depression triggers and learn how to avoid them. Lifestyle changes such as increased exercise and a healthy diet can also be helpful in treating depression.

How long it takes to recover from depression depends on the severity of your symptoms and how well you respond to treatment. 

We’re here to help you end your depression and get your life back on track. For expert depression treatment, call us at any of our locations, or book an appointment online today. 

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