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Understand Group Therapy

Understand Group Therapy

Group therapy is an essential component of treatment, whether you’re seeking help for mental health or substance abuse issues. Group therapy helps you discuss the issues that you face with others who have the same struggles.

Group therapy is usually done in addition to individual therapy. You get different benefits from each type of therapy. The providers at 2nd Chance Treatment Center explain more about what group therapy is and how it can benefit your treatment.

What is group therapy?

Group therapy is a type of counseling. You usually meet with 5-10 other people dealing with the same type of struggles as you are. It’s led by a formally trained therapist, who ensures that the conversation stays on track and is of the most benefit possible to the participants.

You may feel a bit nervous before your first group therapy session. You may wonder if you can really feel comfortable discussing your issues with other people. But you’ll soon discover that group therapy provides a support network and can really help add a new dimension to your therapy. One of the best benefits of group therapy is that it lets you realize that your struggles are normal and that other people have the same issues.

The benefits of group therapy

Group therapy has several benefits. Some of the greatest benefits include:

Provides a support network

The other members of your therapy group are a built-in support system. Often, this may even lead to lasting friendships that continue once you leave treatment. These are people who understand your struggles and deal with the same things themselves.

Promotes trust

If you have a history of either mental health issues or substance abuse, you may not feel accustomed to trusting others. Perhaps, you’ve trusted others in the past, only to get burned by the experience. The structure of group therapy allows you to build trusting relationships with others in a safe environment.

Helps you learn communication skills

Many people in our society lack healthy communication skills, whether they have mental health or substance abuse issues. Group therapy teaches these communication skills, which will benefit every aspect of your life outside of treatment. You’ll learn how to communicate in healthy ways and seek help when you need it.

Provides outside perspectives

Sometimes, you need an outside perspective on situations you face. For example, if you have family drama, other people in your group may have insight into how you can effectively deal with it. Certain situations tend to frequently arise, especially when you’re recovering from mental health or substance abuse issues. Others who are dealing with the same issues may provide a new way of looking at things.

The ethics of group therapy

One of the most important aspects of group therapy is that certain ethical requirements are involved in participation.

You can trust that whatever you say in the group will not be shared with people outside of the group. This can make you feel more comfortable with being honest about your experiences.

However, if you or another group member mentions a desire to harm yourself or another person, therapists are required by law to notify authorities.

Group therapy is often an important part of treatment. You deserve to receive treatment if you need help recovering from mental health or substance abuse issues. Call the providers at 2nd Chance Treatment Center, or make an appointment online.

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